“Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go.”
Mastermind Your Business LLC
Consulting and Real Estate Svcs
Bringing It All Together!

Why You Need An Estate Plan: The Simplicity of It All!
Congratulations! You have taken the first step in what will be a Successful journey to creating an estate plan! Give yourself a hand! In many families, the discussion of the “what ifs” just does not happen. It’s like many believe that if the discussion doesn’t happen, then death (or disability) won’t happen. That is the biggest myth about life. No matter who you are, you are certain of one thing in life. Death.
In speaking about estate planning, with many people admittedly confessing that either they don’t know that they have an estate to plan or simply how to go about it, asking “What are the steps?”
(Regular Price $19.98)

How To Start Your LLC and What To Do In Your First 365 Days
Congratulations! You have taken the first step in what will be a Successful Entrepreneurial Journey! Give yourself a hand! For many of us, this was the most challenging part, and you have just completed that! Getting over the fears of “Can I do it?” “What if I fail?” and the “What can I offer someone?” can stop many from moving forward with their dreams. However, always remember, that YOU have something that someone wants, whether a service or a product. We are here to assist you in your first 365 Days! Let’s Go!
(Regular Price $19.98)
Clarissa Foster attended Jane Addams Business Careers Center in Cleveland, Ohio where she studied to become a Legal Secretary. Clarissa pursued and earned her Bachelor of Science Degree in Paralegal Studies from Myers College. Clarissa earned her master’s degree in Business Administration from Myers University.
At the age of 30, Clarissa became the youngest black female CEO in Ohio to own and operate an escrow and title insurance agency. She is also the Managing Member of National Paralegal Services, LLC, a full-service legal document preparation service. She is The People’s Paralegal.
Clarissa is the Managing Member of Mastermind Your Business LLC, a consulting firm concentrating on working with new business owners in the fulfillment and focus of their businesses and back-office support services as they progress forward. Clarissa is also working in her passion, Masterminds of Tomorrow Inc., a non-profit corporation dedicated to working with youth to establish and build their businesses to change the trajectory of families for a lifetime and beyond.
Clarissa is a contributing author of “Permission to Speak”, a compilation of writings sponsored by the City of Cleveland, and a co-author of “Wounded Healer”. She is the author of “Why You Need an Estate Plan: The Simplicity of It All”.
Distinguished honors include the A.B. Bonds Award from Baldwin Wallace College (University), The TRIO Achievers Award by The Ohio Association of Educational Opportunity Program Personnel (OAEOPP), Community Leader Recognition Award from the City of Cleveland Mayor Frank G. Jackson, and the Prosperous Young Black Women Award. Clarissa is a proud member of Positive Plus. To reach Clarissa and her team, you may email [email protected] or the website www.Mastermind-365.com to sign up for our online course; The Successful Blueprint for the New Entrepreneur and other valuable information.